Monday, 7 October 2013


I've been thinking about my blogs quite a bit lately...I am missing my story blog posts that I used to spend a lot of time doing and enjoying and am not quite sure what happened.  I have just been looking back today on posts from a year ago...especially the ones involving Bobby and his adventure trying to make his way to Devon!  Oh how poor Henry and the other lads were worried.  The story spread over several days and was such fun.  What has happened to my imagination?  Have I let too many everyday things get in the way of pleasure and fun?  I need to see if I can get my brain and imagination back in gear...there has been much grumping here amongst the Sasha boys and girls about the lack of FUN.  It is all very well having clothes sewn and knitted for them, but what about the REAL stuff they are all asking me?

I think part of the problem was splitting them up and trying to keep the Sasha blog for just Sasha & Gregor...did I do the right thing...I think so, but it certainly ends up a lot of work trying to juggle them all!

Anyway I think the Sasha/Gregor family and I will sit down together this week and discuss which direction we want to go in!


  1. You're so creative! I would love to see some more wonderful adventures!

    1. Thank you. Will try to get my creative cap back on!

  2. Henry and his holiday visitors have been enjoying fun outings, so they're not completely devoid of fun, though the others might say that Henry is lucky he gets to take his visitors out while they stay at home. Some of his holiday adventures with friends have been at home with the others. You weren't very well earlier this year, so that probably curbed your story posts for a while. I'm sure you can think of some fun story posts with an autumnal theme, even simple things are good: Henry's autumn leaves had my girl chuckling and saying 'wow'.

    1. Thank you, I guess there have been is always easy to forget what HAS been done and remember what HASN'T and what you say is very true about various reasons that contributed to the fall off of story posts.

      Glad your girl enjoyed Henry playing with the leaves.

  3. Real life, like our blogspots, tends to twist and turn which gives it a variety which is always an enjoyable feature.
    Unfortunately mine has taken a turn for the worst due to ill health and lack of time on account of aging and now only seems to feature dolls wearing outfits.
    Perhaps this could be our New Year Resolution to 'liven up' our posts again with me using some props and you incorporating your little stories, like we used to?

    1. Sounds like a good idea Kendal. It will probably take me until the New Year to get my act into gear! Mind you the eye candy you provide with your fabulous posts is always a treat that you shouldn't underestimate, props or not, they are always delightful.

      Not sure 'real life' with its accompanying ill health is always so enjoyable at the moment though as I am sure you will! Still we can't always live in our imaginations as pleasurable as that idea sounds.

  4. One of the joys of dolls is that they are less worried about 'race' or size than perhaps humans are! They are happy to play together or stick with their own tribe, just as the humans decide. I'm sure yours will be happy, whatever you decide and so will your blog followers.
    I really don't know how people keep even one blog going regularly, it seems to beyond my capabilities, but I do mentally give my favourite dolls personalities, likes and dislikes etc. I'm good at making up stories about them to tell to children and would love to share them on a blog, but lack of time and photographic skills, plus health issues, seem to get in the way.
    Your ability to keep several blogs going amazes me. I love reading your blogs but would enjoy reading them just as much if they were all in one place. Whatever you decide, I'll follow the one or the several blogs you end up with.
    Jenni x

    1. You are so right Jenni, that is definitely one of the joys of dolls, no real worries, prejudices etc... So whatever I decide, I am sure they will be fine about it.

      Thank you :-)

  5. I used to be more creative with writing about my dolls in the past but I think real life just gets in the way. I still like to make up stories in my head but that is about as far as it goes. I end up just doing the regular 'what I've been up to' posts. Although I no longer go out to work as I did in the UK, I find that I have less time than ever now, what with the 5 dogs, parrot, lovebird, husband, son, homes and all that dolls seem to get squeezed in where I can fit them!!!

    1. It is really interesting isn't it how things change, evolve and move on? Or at least I find it interesting...I thought when I was working that I would have more time when eventually I wasn't...Not working was forced on to me, and although the reason for this has inhibited me somewhat, at the same time I seem to have LESS time that I had before. How on earth I managed to do a degree, raise children, work and keep house goodness only knows! Certainly the pets, husband, so and home keeps us on our toes and busy. Now I am walking everyday with Percy, it seems I have even less time...but it feels good to be out in the fresh air.

    2. Meant to also say, the stories are often 'there' but actually doing any more than that just doesn't happen. Still lots of ideas in the pipeline and at least one definite story line come that 'C' word!

  6. Glad to read Sharon's comments here - how is it that, when you retire, the day gets shorter? Thought it was me failing to manage my time, so glad I'm not the only one.
    My dogs were walked, housework and shopping done and family fed reasonably well and regularly when I worked full time, so how is it that those same domestic things now take up a complete day, 365 days a year? This needs scientific investigation, LOL!

  7. Ich finde, du solltest dir keine Sorgen machen. Don't worry, you'll romp through! Du hast bereits so viele schöne Geschichten erzählt. Deine Bilder sind herrlich. Ich finde das Bild mit Henry und seinem Freund, wo sie durch die lila Blumenwiese laufen, einfach wunderbar marvellous ! Take it as it comes. The important thing is fun.


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