Monday, 8 December 2014

Advent Day Eight

So it seems that I am three days behind on my Advent were taken...but I forgot to publish them!  Not that anyone noticed...

Rory, it is your turn to open the door today.  Can you find number eight?  Gwilym asks him.

Rory looks intently...

Here it is down here.  He says.

Rory gets on the floor to open the door for day eight which is in the bottom right hand corner.

He reaches inside...

....and gets up.

I wonder what he has got today.

Oh look.  He says as he holds up the bag.

I think it might be food for the reindeer.  Rory tells Henry & Gwilym

Sure enough there is a bucket and some treats for the reindeer.

An orange carrot, and a red one?  Can you grow red carrots?  Rory asks.

He looks at them astonished.

He places the bucket and the bale of hay down for the reindeer.

The reindeer is very pleased and starts nibbling on the hay immediately.

How perfect!  Rory exclaims.   The reindeer looks like he was very hungry, so the food came just in time.

Henry agrees with Rory and thinks how perfect the little gifts in today's door were for Rory.

Do you think that will be enough food?  Rory asks Henry.

Sure it will be.  Henry replies.

What shall we do now?  Rory asks the boys.

Gwilym suggests that as the weather isn't the best that they go and play some indoor games.


  1. I noticed. I don't always comment though.

    1. Seems there is glitch in the system.... glad to know people are reading though!

  2. I noticed too, you also missed day 5

    1. Oh my goodness I did as well! Now what happened to THAT post I wonder?

  3. Perfect choice for Rory to open, being such a caring insect/animal lover.

    1. I thought you would think that Kendal, I too was really pleased to see what he got to open and of course you are right Rory was thrilled. He has been most concerned recently about the cold weather and what has happened to his beloved frogs, so this proved a good distraction.


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