The Sasha Secret Santa Swap is now closed and the letters to Santa (emails) are ready to be sent tomorrow morning (I've worked hard at them today, rather time consuming work!) I am awaiting on three letters...hoping they will arrive tonight.
I haven't had much chance to sew the last few days, what with one thing or another...I have been doing a little knitting in the evening and have half finished a cardigan I am making. I am hoping to have it finished by the end of the week, but it is slow going at the moment as my arm is misbehaving!
I did make this dress last week though and forgot that I hadn't taken a picture of it.
Hmm...taking a photo with flash in the evening isn't very conducive to making the most of your colouring is it?
I'm guessing this lovely girl is from around 1972/74. She has pumpkin coloured elastic in her legs (rather appropriate for today!) and has a hook and bar neck assembly. I think she has a slightly sad look to her...I will have to get Henry to cheer her up, he is usually pretty good at that!