Friday, 26 September 2014

A Small Gathering of Friends

Gwilym and Henry are out in the garden chatting...

So did you hear about the twins Henry?  Gwilym asks.

Who, James & Connor?  What about them?  Henry asks back.

No, not those two.  Gwilym replies.

Then who?  Henry asks.

Richard and Karen of course.  Gwilym tells Henry.  Where have you been?

Henry is puzzled....

Quick here they are, wave!  Gwilym says to Henry.

Henry wonders what Gwilym was on about.

The boys wave at the twins.

Hi, how's it going?  Gwilym asks.

Hi. Pretty good.  Richard answers.

Where have you two been?  Henry asks.

we have just been looking at the fish.  Did you know there are six fish in the fish pond now?  Apparently they put 'Jaws' in with the others while the Sailor was home and he is very happy in there.  Karen tells Henry.

Before Henry can reply....

Rory approaches.

Rory immediately launches into a speech about his frogs as he walks up to the group.

Hey there.  Did you know that THREE frogs now live in our pond...only I can't find them today so I am most concerned.  I do hope that Percy the Chihuahua hasn't scared them off.  I know he drinks out of the pond so I hope that hasn't disturbed them as I do so like my frogs.  Where do you think they might have gone?

Christopher and Grace look at Rory stunned...they don't think he even drew breath for air!

Don't worry, Rory is a FF.  Gwilym explains.   

What's an eff eff?  Richard asks.

'Frog Fanatic'  Gwilym replies.  

Rory just loves frogs, lizards and other such creatures  Henry explains.  He has watched the tadpoles turn into little frogs that all seemed to leave the pond.  Then a big frog arrived, and now it seems two other large ones have arrived as well.

Wow!  You have frogs here? Richard asks.

What's Percy the Chihuahua?  Karen asks a little fearful

Oh Percy is nothing to worry about.  Henry reassures her.  

Well it depends if you are a frog or not!  Rory states.

I think you would have more worries if you were a squirrel.  Henry tells Rory.  Percy does not like the squirrels...they tease him.  It is not nice to tease animals.

But squirrels are animals.   Richard  says..

I know that, but they still tease poor Percy.  Henry explains.  They sit up the tree and shout at him.

Actually it can be a little bit funny.  Gwilym tells the twins.  I have actually heard them!

Karen looks a little unsure, although the boys do their best to reassure her that there is nothing to worry about.

They continue chatting.....

.....although Henry is still wondering what Gwilym was going on about.  

What about the twins should Henry have heard?


It often seems that the brunette waifs are the ones who are less likely to have the dreaded brunette falling hair syndrome that Sasha collectors dread (unless they are looking for a possible re-rooting candidate!)  Those mint in box, or minty dolls seem to suffer their fate far worse.  But it may also be something to do with the period of time they were produced...of course there are no hard and fast rules unfortunately as many have discovered!

I have two wonderful brunette waifs who when they arrived under went intensive hair washing and condition regime and cleaning with no detrimental effect.  I knew as soon as they arrived that they wouldn't have a problem, although remembering the last brunette whose hair I washed there was a little bit of trepidation...  That one was 'Danni'.  The hair was falling when he/she arrived but it was so sticky and dirty I had no option but to wash it, and sure enough it all fell out the minute water came in contact with it.

Any way back my brunette brother and sister.  Richard and Karen have been together all their 'lives' and hopefully will continue to remain together as they are very close and like to look out for each other.

As long as her dress isn't flowery, then her brother likes to have a matching waistcoat.  Not all children like to dress a like, but it seems there are two sets of twins  that do like to do so at Rose Cottage.  The twins James & Connor of course wear EXACTLY the same clothing, sometimes they will allow different coloured buttons but that is the limit of their acceptance of anything different.

These two being brother and sister can't of course wear exactly the same thing so they compromise where at all possible.

Richard is part of the Beatles tribute band that Henry formed after his time in Phoenix at the Sasha Festival this year.  He played the part of Paul McCartney and had the brilliant idea of forming a tribute band when he got back to the UK.

The band consists of:  Pierre, Henry, Richard and Gwilym.  They are getting rather impatient as they have ordered the first set of costumes and equipment and so far are still waiting.....they are looking for a drum set...although it hasn't been decided quite who the talent is that will be 'Ringo Starr'.  They are also looking for some more guitars!  These performers can be quite demanding!

 Note:  Richard and Karen have been renamed Christopher William and Annie Matilda after my great grandparents.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Cowboys, Country Girls and Indians

Back in August we had a delightful day with Doll Mum and her lovely daughter.  

The theme of the day was  'Cowboys, Country girls and Indians'   and we had such a wonderful time.

Kaya is sitting outside her tepee contemplating the day - she has heard that there are going to be some visitors to the reservation and she is excited about seeing them.  She wonders if she should get out some of her special treasures to show.

The first to arrive is Molly and Kaya tells her about the her treasures, a bow and arrow, papoose and a special little drum, along with her new friend the Canadian Indian Boy.  Molly asks what it is like living in a tepee.

While Kaya and Molly are busy taking Peggy Sue has decided to visit the babies she has heard so much about. 

Peggy Sue chats to Florence their older sister.

Excuse me.....

Miranda is busy with Clemence who is most concerned he can't find Laura.

Baby Mabel tries to comfort Clemence, but he isn't content for long...and wanders off.

Florence is delighted to have a little bit of time without the babies Leo and Mabel while Peggy Sue looks after them.

Peggy Sue asks them if they would like a story.

Clemence hearing the word story is soon back to sit with them...He is always up for a story or two.

Meanwhile Henry is out riding his horse Stratford...

....when suddenly he is surprised by a little bear who has appeared on Stratford's head.  

Clemence whispers something in his ear...something about finding Laura...but all Henry sees is this vision of a beautiful girl riding a white horse.

Is this this vision for real?

Using his feet he gives Stratford instructions to change direction.

He sets off round the Indian camp to meet up with the girl.

Hello, I am Henry.  He introduces himself.  Are you Laura?

Why yes I am.  The girl on the white horse replies.

Meanwhile Stevie comes across a little bear on the grass.

He whispers something in her ear....

She listens intently.

Very soon he is reunited with Laura his favourite girl.

Stevie pats Stratford while Henry and Laura chat.

I think Henry was very besotted by Laura, he hasn't seen any other friends ride horses before.

But wait, what about these two cowboys here?

Reuben and Nicholas James are having a discussions on the merits of riding a pony....Nicholas James isn't convinced...

It may not be so far to fall off you know Reuben, but I still wish I could ride Stratford as I feel a bit silly riding this little pony.

If only Nicholas James had voiced his wish to Henry, I am sure Henry would have given him a ride!

Thank you DollMum and daughter for such a lovely day.

Sorry it has taken us so long to blog about it.

To read DollMum's post about our fabulous day click here.

A very big thank you to Doll Mum for the fabulous Tepee she made Henry as well.  He is absolutely delighted with it as are the other children here at Rose Cottage.  He really does believe wishes come true!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Boy in Garden - 14

I am delighted to introduce a new boy to the Gregor family at Rose Cottage.

Meet Gwilym also known as Wil

He rummaged around it the clothes box and this is what he came up with....

..a slightly different combination than I perhaps would have chosen!

He seems quite happy with the outfit though.

He investigates the pond and sees if he can find any wildlife.

He is certainly studying something very intently!

Right looks like it is time to head off to explore some more of the garden.

Handsome lad isn't he?